At Learn Tree we help busy parents by enhancing their child's learning during after school care
So that you can enjoy quality time with your child after work
Club Venue: Surbiton New Life Baptist Church, KT6 6LN
New Venue: Opening in Castle Donington Methodist Church DE74 2JA on 25th April 2022
Club Times: Monday - Thursdays (Pick up to 6pm)
Do you worry that the hours spent in after school care are wasted hours?
Are you too tired to help your child with homework after work?
Do you get frustrated that after school care hours are unproductive?
Do you want more than just a babysitting service?
Are you looking for a calm setting where your child can learn, play and relax?
Here is how we help you

We provide a calm environment for your child to learn, play and unwind from the school day
We ensure your child reads everyday from our library or from their school books
We follow the National Curriculum and provide work that reinforces their current learning in Maths and English
We challenge and stretch all children beyond the classroom
We give you regular feedback that helps you understand your child's progress
We designate time for free play in our garden and with educational toys
We intentionally focus on developing character traits that enhance learning
We work in small groups and individually
We pick your child up from selected schools in Surbiton

We love to see happy and satisfied parents
Parent of two boys
"I needed good quality after school care that the boys enjoyed & had more academic challenge & interest. I felt frustrated given the uncertainty & lack of organisation/communication at the previous setting and boys’ behaviour not great. Learn Tree was different as it provided structure, challenge, attention in the sessions; good communication & feedback by organisers/tutors. I now have better behaved boys. My boys are more settled & confident, growing academically and life definitely easier. Worth the extra expense."
Parent of Year 2 Child
“With a lack of after school services on a Tuesday, I was concerned and worried that I would not be able to work. Learn Tree provides a tutoring service rather than just a babysitter, and from day one, my child who started in Reception and is now in Year 2, has been doing very well in Maths. She likes the staff and gets to socialize with other children"
Parent of Year 5 Child
“My Year 5 child was just wasting her afternoons at her previous child care, watching TV and playing unstimulating games. There were no alternatives. All after school care was the same. However, Learn Tree was different, it recognises that children actually enjoy learning. They thrive on information and being able to apply it. I realised Learn Tree could supplement our child’s education, embedding the principles she was learning and stretching her beyond what is possible in a class of 30. I now have hope that our daughter can reach her full potential.”